When an IT System is designed, at the stage of
requirements engineering, during requirements
prioritizing, one of the prioritization criteria is importance. For instance, Single-Criterion
Classification -
one of the techniques for Requirements Prioritization is based on the requirements classification
according to the
importance of the realization of the requirement for the success of the designed and developed system.
The most
important are the ones that are assigned to the Mandatory class. It’s a set of requirements that must be
implemented. They are really important.
With reference to other area, photography area, when it
comes to
composition, in any photo, an interesting and good composition starts with a good subject that inspires
photographer. Once it has been chosen, we can and we probably should eliminate all distractions that
disturb the
viewer from focusing on the center of interest. What is more, as a task or an aim of the photographer we
can adopt
finding order amid chaos and deciding what is important for him.
It tends to mean that this
feature, this
attribute, this criteria - importance needs to be founded and identified. And in contrast to the fact
that it
sounds natural and obvious, it’s sometimes becoming increasingly clear that there is a necessity to
’take the bull
by the horns’. In the name of facing an importance. And that’s sometimes a challenge, a hard thing to